The 2023 edition of the ANITI DAYS has enabled nearly 130 people to meet in ENSEEIHT to discuss the progress and results of research in AI but also to expose the scientific problems encountered as well as the paths and solutions explored.

Nearly 40 AI experts, ANITI members, have been able to present their research work and interact with the large number of participants who came to learn more about the progress of the research carried out by ANITI.

Acceptability, bias, certification, cognitive architectures, neural networks, robotics, mathematics, physical models... so many topics and themes that punctuated these two days.

Find out more about the researchers' presentations :

Trust and Loyalty of AI’s based decisionsJean-Michel Loubes

Moral AI intelligenceJean-François Bonnefon

Reverse-engineering the visual systemVictor Boutin

– PhD lightning talks Charlotte Lacoquelle // Alexey Lazarev // Noemie Cohen

Some directions for AI for Good – Michèle Sebag

A neuro-reasoning architecture for solving (serious) puzzlesThomas Schiex

Explaining classifiers under constraintsLeila Amgoud

Brain-inspired multimodal deep learningRufin Van Rullen

AI for Air Traffic Management and Large Scale Urban MobilityDaniel Delahaye

Neuroadaptive technology for Human Machine Teaming Frédéric Dehais & Nicolas Drougard

Cognitive and interative roboticsRachid Alami

Artificial and Natural MovementNicolas Mansard

– Solving scheduling problems with Constraint Programming and Graph Neural Networks – Florent Teichteil-Koenigsbuch & Hélène Fargier

AI for physical models with geometric toolsReda Chhaibi & Serge Gratton

Generative models for satellite image analysisMathieu Fauvel

– PhD Lightning talks – Anthony Favier // Reverdi Justin // Iryna De Albuquerque

Industrial talks on mobility and industry 4.0

Formal XAI @ ANITI – progress so farJoao Marques Silva

Towards AI-based applications certificationClaire Pagetti

– Synergistic Transformations in Model- and Data-Driven DiagnosticsLouise Travé-Massuyès

Center for Collective Learning (CCL)Cesar Hidalgo

Equilibria of games with algorithms Jérôme Renault

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