Le jury d’experts internationaux indépendants réuni par ANITI en juillet dernier a sélectionné les projets de chaires d’excellence qui seront intégrés à la proposition que l’institut soumettra fin septembre à l’ANR dans le cadre de l’AMI « IA Cluster : pôles de recherche et de formation de rang mondial en intelligence artificielle. Retrouvez la liste ci-dessous.

Starting chairs

Uncertainty Quantification for Physical and Artificial Intelligence systems

Facing Low Resource Natural Language Processing

Mathematical Approaches for Deep Learning, representation Learning, And high-Dimensional Statistics

LArge Tensors for daTa analysIs and maChine lEarning

Hybrid, Interpretable Machine Learning

Advanced chairs

Human-Centered AI for Argument-based Deliberation

Frugal Reinforcement Learning for Stochastic Networks

Center for Moral Artificial Intelligence

Disaster risk prediction and multivariate anomaly detection

Innovations in the Wake of COVID-19


AI for Smart and Sustainable Air Traffic Management and Air Mobility

Advances in majorization-minimization algorithms for optimization with non-quadratic loss functions

Designing Artificial Social Reasoners

Machine Learning for Sustainable International Development (ML4SID)

Guaranteed and frugal deep learning<br>

eXplainability science in artifiCIal intelligENCE

Evolution of galaxies using Machine Learning

Reinforcement Learning on a Diet

User-Centered Interactive Machine Learning for 3D Point Cloud Analysis

Anomaly Detection and Diagnosis

International attractivity chairs

Hybridizing AI and Large-scale Simulations for Engineering Design

Hybrid Policy Optimization for Safe and Efficient Robotic Manipulation and Locomotion

Synergy chairs

Trust and Responsibility in Artificial Intelligence

EXPLainablE and physics-informed Ai for Regional weaTHer prediction

Advanced Eddy-resolving Global and Integrated modeling using machine learning for accurate climate predictions

Cobots with Conversation, Cognition and PerceptiOn

Certified AI for Understanding Intracellular Dynamics

Industrial chairs

REpresentation Learning for Earth Observation

Combining Polynomial Optimization and Machine Learning: Application to Power System Decision Support Tools

Embeddability and safety assurance of ML-based systems under certification

Physics-Informed Learning Methods for Continental Waters and Marine Risks

Certifiable Auto-supervised Large Models

Hybridizing lEarning, seaRch and combinatorial Optimization for Industrial deCision-making

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