Temps forts 2022 des chaires de recherche ANITI

We are proud to share the remarkable achievements of our researchers and the teams who collaborate with them. The year 2022 has been a period of exceptional achievement for our research chairs. Thanks to their commitment and expertise, our researchers have pushed back the boundaries of knowledge in their respective fields.

We have seen significant advances in many fields. Researchers from our Chairs have published leading research papers, won prestigious awards and developed fruitful collaborations.

The momentum continues into 2023, and we will continue to promote the successes and achievements of our teams.

The effects of AI on competition in the marketplace​

The chair has published 3 articles in top economic and management journals. In each case, the contribution consists of the mathematical modeling of an economic situation involving the use of AI or data, and the use of game theory to determine the equilibrium behavior of the parties involved and to study the properties of the equilibrium.

Bruno Jullien

Game Theory and AI​

Dynamic resource allocation problems arise under a variety of settings and have been studied across disciplines such as Game Theory, Operations Research and Computer Science.

Jérôme Renault

Law, accountability and social trust in AI

The Chair on Law, Accountability, and Social Trust in AI has published a collective work on AI law, co-edited by Céline Castets-Renard and Jessica Eynard.

Céline Castets - Renard

Fusion-based inference from heterogeneous data ​

Our contributions lie at the synergistic intersection of two popular tools in the machine learning community: normalizing flows (NF) and optimal transport (OT).

Nicolas Dobigeon

Empowering Data-driven AI by Argumentation and Persuasion

In 2022, we investigated theoretical foundations of explainability, a hot topic in AI. We laid the foundations of explanation models by proposing key axioms, i.e., desirable properties they would satisfy, and characterized various families of models satisfying subsets of axioms

Leila Amgoud

Synergistic transformations in model based and data based diagnosis

The main achievements of the chair are the following: Christoffel function based anomaly detection and its application to sensor networks, dynamic clustering based anomaly detection and its application to radiation hardening of space electronics, anomaly detection based on deviation tracking in irregularly sampled and distorted time series and its application to predictive maintenance of robotic arms, nonlinear regression based anomaly detection and its application to fault detection in photovoltaic power plants, Knowledge extraction through process mining and its application to production monitoring, Diagnosis based on decision trees embedding symbolic classification and its foreseen application to 3D printer monitoring.

Louise Travé-Massuyès

Augmented society

In 2022, we made significant progress on key scientific objectives. In the use of machine learning to understand economic development, we completed a paper introducing the notion of multidimensional economic complexity (forthcoming), an article on the policy implications of economic complexity, a book chapter on the unfungibility of knowledge ([3] forthcoming) and signed a publishing contract with Penguin-Random House to write a book on the principles governing knowledge growth.

Cesar Hidalgo

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