Chair objectives
The integrative challenge of AI is fully realized in human-robot interaction and more precisely in human-robot collaboration when humans and robots decide and act together and share the space and the task.
One key concept appears to be essential, the concept of joint
action. To mention some key abilities, successful joint action requires joint attention, mutual manifestness to exhibit and maintain joint intention while refining and achieving a shared task collaboratively in order to facilitate the human partner understanding of the current state, of the
robot’s capabilities and predicting upcoming actions.
The scientific challenge here is to devise and build the cognitive and interactive abilities to allow pertinent, transparent, verifiable and legible behaviors for a robot that is able to perform collaborative activity with a human partner.
Such an architecture should integrate an incremental learning system that will allow the robot to acquire new abilities for human-robot collaboration while ensuring transparency, explainability and verifiability of the overall decisional abilities and their evolution over time.
Les dialogues multimodaux devraient être utilisés comme un moyen d’informer l’humain et assurer la cohérence. Le système sera ensuite évalué dans des contextes où il est utilisé pour mener des actions conjointes et/ou affiner des capacités avec des utilisateurs non-spécialistes.
Program Collaborative AI
Themes: Language, Neuroscience & AI, Robotics & AI
Chair holder: Rachid Alami, DR CNRS, Laas
François Félix Ingrand (CNRS Senior Scientist)
Thierry Siméon (CNRS Senior Scientist)
Website :
Chair holder : Rachid Alami (CNRS Senior Scientist, LAAS) – Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Robotics, Human-Robot Interaction, Task and Motion Planning, Multi-Robot Coordination and Cooperation, Robot Control Architectures
- François Félix Ingrand (CNRS Senior Scientist) Cognitive Robotics, Decisional Architectures, AI Planning, Validation and Verification for Autonomous System
- Thierry Siméon (CNRS Senior Scientist) Sampling-based Planning Algorithms, Autonomous navigation, Multiple robots, Human-Aware Motion Planning, Application of Planning algorithms to bioinformatics
Senior collaborating researchers
- Arthur Bit-Monot (INSA Assistant Prof.) Planning, Temporal Reasoning, Combined Task and Motion
PhD students
- Yoan Sallami (2016-2021) Thesis Defence 01/2021: Perspective taking in HR collaborative context
- Guilhem Buisan (2017-2021) Thesis Defence 07/2021: Planning For Both Robot and Human: Anticipating and Accompanying Human Decisions
- Amandine Mayima (2017-2021)
- Kathleen Belhassein (2017-2021)
- Guillaume Sarthou (2018-2021)
- Phani Teja Singanameni (2019-2022)
- Jérome Truc (2019-2022)
- Emmanuel Bazucchi (2020-2023)
- Jérémi Turi (2020-2023)
- Philippe Hérail(2020-2023)
- Anthony Favier (2021-2024)
- Hendry Ferreira Chame 2020-2021
- Victor Fernadez Castro (2019-2020)
Visiting researchers:
- Vicente Matellán Olivera, Universidad de León (September 2021-July 2022)
- Camino Fernandez Llamas, Universidad de León (September 2021-July 2022)
- Plenary Keynote Lecture KR-2020 (17th Int. Conf. on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (R. Alami)
- Plenary Keynote Lecture IEEE RO-MAN 2019 New Delhi, India (R. Alami)
Organised events
- Program Co-chair Robocup Symposium 2020 and 2021 (Rachid Alami)
- International Multidisciplinary Workshop Series “Towards a Framework for Joint Action” (Aurélie Clodic)
Other highlights
- Invited talk (A. Clodic) Robotics, AI, and Humanity: Science, Ethics, and Policy – Rome May 2019
- Invited talk (R. Alami) : Séminaires d’Informatique Cognitive de l’Université du Québec Montréal, October 2020
- Invited keynote speaker: (R. Alami): Planning and Robotics (PlanRob) Workshop, ICAPS 2020, October 2020
- Invited talk: (R. Alami): Samsung AI, Cambridge, UK, October, 2020.
- Invited speaker: (R. Alami): IEEE ICRA 2020 workshop on Human-Robot Handovers, June 2020.
- Invited speaker: (R. Alami): 10 Years Of Institutional Robotics, May, 2020
- Invited speaker: R. Alami): Workshop “Trustworthy Robots – From Safety to Trust”, European Robotics Forum, Malaga, March 2020
- Invited speaker: (R. Alami): Workshop “AI and Robotics: the challenge of complex learning and planning”, ERF Malaga, March 2020
- Conférence (R. Alami): First MBZIRC Symposium 2020, Mars 2020, Abu Dhabi
- Invited speaker: (R. Alami): Workshop “The different perspectives on human-aware navigation”. ICSR 2019, Madrid, Spain
- Invited speaker: (R. Alami): Workshop on Evaluation and Benchmarking of Human-Centered AI Systems, AI4EU, Milton Keynes, Septembre 2019, UK
- Keynote (R. Alami) IA et interdisciplinarit. : applications en sant. et industrie – AIBy4 – June 2021
- Keynote (R. Alami) Future Intelligence, Toulouse, June 2021
- G. Sarthou, A. Clodic, R. Alami. Ontologenius: A long–term semantic memory for robotic agents. IEEE
- International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (IEEE Ro–MAN 2019)
- Y. Sallami, S. Lemaignan, A. Clodic, R. Alami. Simulation–based physics reasoning for consistent scene estimation in an HRI context. IEEE IROS, Nov 2019, Macau, China.
- M. E. Foster, B. Craenen, A. Deshmukh, O. Lemon, E. Bastianelli, et al. MuMMER: Socially Intelligent Human–Robot Interaction in Public Spaces. AI–HRI, AAAI Fall Symposium, Nov 2019, Arlington.
- C. Boine, C. Castets–Renard, A. Clodic, R. Alami. In Love with a Corporation without Knowing It: An Asymmetrical Relationship. Proceedings of Robophilosophy 2020., IOS Press, 2020, Frontiers of AI and Its Applications
- A. Bit–Monnot, M. Ghallab, F. Ingrand, D. Smith. FAPE: a Constraint–based Planner for Generative and Hierarchical Temporal Planning. 2020.
- M. Tognon, R. Alami, B. Siciliano. Physical Human–Robot Interaction with a Tethered Aerial Vehicle: Application to a Force–based Human Guiding Problem. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2021, 37
- G. Buisan, G. Sarthou, R. Alami. Human Aware Task Planning Using Verbal Communication Feasibility and Costs. 12th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2020), Nov 2020
- F. Ingrand. Verification of Autonomous Robots: A Roboticist’s Bottom–Up Approach. Software engineering for robotics, Springer, pp.219–248, 2021
- A. Clodic, R. Alami. What Is It to Implement a Human–Robot Joint Action? Robotics, AI, and Humanity, Springer International Publishing, pp.229–238, 2021
- G. Buisan, R. Alami. A Human–Aware Task Planner Explicitly Reasoning About Human and Robot Decision, Action and Reaction. ACM/IEEE, HRI ’21 Mar 2021, Boulder CO USA
- P.E. Hladik, F. Ingrand, S. Dal Zilio, R. Tekin. Hippo: A Formal–Model Execution Engine to Control and Verify Critical Real–Time Systems. Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier, 2021
- P. T. Singamaneni, A. Favier, R. Alami. Human–Aware Navigation Planner for Diverse Contexts, IEEE IROS 2021
- G. Sarthou, G. Buisan, A. Clodic, R. Alami Extending Referring Expression Generation through Shared Knowledge about past Human-Robot Collaborative Activity, IEEE IROS 2021
- A. Mayima, A. Clodic, R. Alami. “Towards robots able to measure in real-time the Quality of Interaction in HRI contexts”, International Journal of Social Robotics 2021 (to be published)
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Man and robot face to face, with Rachid Alami
A pioneer in cognitive robotics, Rachid Alami has dedicated his career to intelligent robots and the improvement of human-machine interactions. Thanks to advances in artificial intelligence, it is helping to take a further step towards the synergy between humans and robots.