"Empowering Data-driven AI by Argumentation and Persuasion" chair

In 2022, we investigated theoretical foundations of explainability, a hot topic in AI. In [1], we laid the foundations of explanation models by proposing key axioms, i.e., desirable properties they would satisfy, and characterized various families of models satisfying subsets of axioms. In [2], we analysed existing models against the axioms, highlighted their properties links and shortcomings. In [3], we proposed novel explanation models that satisfy the axioms while overcoming the shortcomings from the literature. Finally, we proposed in [4] a hybrid approach for ensemble classifiers. It combines machine learning models and nonmonotonic logics, namely argumentation-based logics. We show that the novel ensemble classifiers guarantee desirable properties including explainability, compliance to knowledge, and a global compatibility of the rules they use for making predictions. An experimental study conducted in the healthcare domain shows that the hybrid approach competes with existing ensemble methods.


[1] L. Amgoud, J. Ben-Naim. Axiomatic Foundations of Explainability. In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-22.

[2] L. Amgoud. Explaining Black-box Classifiers: Properties and Functions. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2023.

[3] Leila Amgoud, Henri Trenquier, Philippe Muller. Argument-based Explanation Functions. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, AAMAS-23.

[4] L. Amgoud, D. Doder, S. Versic. Evaluation of Argument Strength in Attack Graphs: Foundations and  Semantics. Artificial Intelligence Journal, 2022.

[5] Leila Amgoud, Nadia Abchiche, Farida Zehraoui. Explainable Ensemble Classification Models Based on Argumentation. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, AAMAS-23.

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