Chair objectives

The purpose of the chair is to design novel and improved neural network/deep learning architectures by drawing inductive constraints from various domains: for example, semantic constraints from NLP (Natural Language Processing) models can improve computer vision via semantic grounding; cognitive architectures emulating the human mind can help towards flexible AI systems; biological inspiration from neuroscience can ensure that our AI models are more similar to human brains, with human-compatible representations or values.

Program Collaborative AI
Themes: Learning with little or complex data, language, neuroscience & AI, robotics & AI

Chair holder:
Rufin Van Rullen, DR CNRS, CerCo


  • Leila Reddy (CR CNRS,
  • Francis Filbet (Prof. UT3),
  • Gregory Faye (CR CNRS)
  • Chloé Braud (CNRS IRIT)


Know more

Biomimicry: the brain's promises for AI

To be inspired by living things to imagine solutions and inventions produced by nature: this is the object of biomimicry, this process of innovation that is required in most sectors of human activity. In artificial intelligence (AI), cognitive neurosciences are a privileged source of inspiration. Demonstration with CNRS researcher Rufin VanRullen and deputy director of the European Center of Excellence in Biomimicry, Laura Magro.

Read the article in French

Rufin VanRullen, the brain-inspired researcher

Expert in neuroscience, Rufin VanRullen is inspired by the functioning of the brain to create increasingly efficient artificial neural networks…. And dreams of intelligent machines.

Read more (in French)

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