Chair objectives
Can we use artificial intelligence (AI) to improve our understanding of society? Can we use AI to facilitate augmented forms of civic participation?
Et comment les gens perçoivent l’IA ? Au Center for Collective Learning, la chaire Société Augmentée nous fait avancer et apporter des réponses à ces questions et d’autres.
Program Acceptable AI
Theme AI and society
Chair holder: Cesar A. Hidalgo, External, MIT, USA
- Carlos Navarrete (Started, Oct 2020)
- Philipp Koch (Starting, Sep 2021)
- International Labor Organization (ILO), Collective Intelligence National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA (Submitted)
- Google (in preparation)
- ERC Advance Grant (in preparation)
- MIT Sustainable Urbanization Lab, USA
- Department of Economic Geography, Utrecht University
- Masters in Design Engineering, Harvard University
1. Hidalgo, C. A. Economic complexity theory and applications. Nature Reviews Physics 1–22 (2021).
2. Balland, P.-A. et al. Complex economic activities concentrate in large cities. Nat Hum Behav 1–7 (2020) doi:10.1038/s41562-019-0803-3.
3. Hidalgo, C. A., Klinger, B., Barabási, A.-L. & Hausmann, R. The Product Space Conditions the Development of Nations. Science 317, 482–487 (2007).
4. Hidalgo, C. A., Castañer, E. & Sevtsuk, A. The amenity mix of urban neighborhoods. Habitat International 102205 (2020) doi:10.1016/j.habitatint.2020.102205.
5. Jun, B., Alshamsi, A., Gao, J. & Hidalgo, C. A. Bilateral relatedness: knowledge diffusion and the evolution of bilateral trade. Journal of Evolutionary Economics 1–31 (2019).
6. Gao, J., Jun, B., Pentland, A. ‘Sandy’, Zhou, T. & Hidalgo, C. A. Spillovers across industries and regions in China’s regional economic diversification. Regional Studies 1–16 (2021).
7. Hidalgo, C. A., Orghian, D., Canals, J. A., De Almeida, F. & Martín, N. How Humans Judge Machines. (MIT Press, 2021).
"How Humans judges machines", a book by Cesar A. Hidalgo and MIT Press.. Le dernier livre publié par Cesar A. Hidalgo et MIT Press.
How Humans Judge Machines compares people's reactions to actions performed by humans and machines. Using data collected in dozens of experiments, this book reveals the biases that permeate human-machine interactions.

Demain, une société augmentée ? Le pari assumé de Cesar Hidalgo
Vivrons-nous demain dans une société augmentée, dans laquelle humains et robots auront appris à collaborer pleinement pour travailler, échanger, et même voter des lois ? C’est le futur qu’imagine le chercheur ANITI Cesar Hidalgo.