Une formation à l’intelligence artificielle hybride

The scope and quality of the Artificial Intelligence training offer on the Toulouse site, provided by all its establishments, universities and engineering schools, testifies to its dynamic and interdisciplinary nature.

Whether to train specialists or users of artificial intelligence, the objective of the 3IA ANITI is to enrich this offer and to double the number of people trained in AI in four years.

Whether to train specialists or users of artificial intelligence, the objective of the 3IA ANITI is to enrich this offer and to double the number of people trained in AI in four years. The first year was an opportunity to co-construct this synergy and saw the opening of 9 new courses and the extension of 4 existing courses. The second year will see the continuation of the development of the current offer through the creation of a master's level course of excellence in "Mathematics and Computer Science for Artificial Intelligence", the evolution of the dual degree system in Mathematics and Computer Science through the creation of a selective course (accessible on Parcoursup), as well as the redesign and reinforcement in Artificial Intelligence modules of several specialized, disciplinary or interdisciplinary courses.

Chantal Soulé-Dupuy - Graduate school director

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