This program develops AI systems and assistants with advanced capabilities for improved interaction with humans.

Les sujets incluent des travaux fondamentaux sur le langage multimodal ainsi que sur la robotique mobile avec des capacités d’interaction physique afin de réaliser des tâches complexes de manière collaborative.

Researchers in this theme also work on multimodal language as well as mobile robotics with physical interaction capabilities to perform complex tasks in a collaborative manner. They also focus on the development of methods for efficient and scalable anomaly detection and predictive maintenance.

The themes associated with the Collaborative AI program

  • Automated reasoning and decision making
  • Datas & anomaly
  • Language
  • Robotic & AI
  • Neurosciences & AI


Nicolas Mansard
Christophe Merle

Chair holders

Rachid Alami
Frédéric Dehais
Hélène Fargier
Thomas Schiex
Nicolas Mansard
Rufin Van Rullen
Thomas Serre
Louise Travé-Massuyès

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