- The steering committee, (steering commitee), composé d’un nombre égal de représentants (4) des partenaires académiques et industriels et présidé par un scientifique de renom, Olivier Simonin, se réunit six fois par an. It is the decision-making body of ANITIIt validates the strategic orientations of the institute its scientific technological and and pedagogical roadmapson the proposal of the direction, the Scientific Advisory Board or the Education Council. Voir les membres du comité de pilotage.
- The scientific advisory board, composed of six scientific personalities internationally recognised for their expertise in the field of artificial intelligence, appointed by the Steering Committee on the proposal of the Scientific Director, isthe strategic and prospective advisory body of ANITI. As such, it assesses ANITI's activity de l’ANITI, la , the achievement of its main objectives,its scientific and technological orientations with regard to international standards and and proposes possible reorientations of the strategy.It provides advice to improve and ensure the realization of the strategy. It meets once a year. Voir les membres du conseil scientifique.
- The education councilbuilt on the same principle of parity between academics and industry as the steering committee, supervises the Education program - initial and continuing - of the institute and advises the steering committee on the strategic orientations related to this component.
- The innovation business committee is composed by a representative of ANITI’s direction Toulouse Tech Transferof the ., de Toulouse Métropolerepresentatives of the different organisations being part of digital ecosystem in Toulouse area and representatives of organisations which could potentially fund economic development initiatives. It is responsible for evaluating the economic development strategy of the institutes and providing advises to ANITI’s direction and to the steering committee.
- The partners' council is a body bringing together all of ANITI's partners (academic, industrial, institutional). It monitors the progress of actions, discusses orientations and brings out new proposals. It meets at least once a year.
- The ANITI operational committee meeting on a weekly basis and gathering the heads of each of the three components (Research, Education, Economic development) around the scientific and the operational directors dealing with the operational management of the institute and in particular the interactions between ANITI's different components.
- The scientific committee (SC) brings together the management of the institute and the pilots of the three ANITI Integrative programs (IPs) on a weekly basis. An extended SC includes the directors of the main partner laboratories on a quarterly basis. This committee validates recruitments and coordinates the animation of ANITI’s research component.
- The IP operational committees,are held on a quarterly basis and bring together the industrial and scientific pilots of the IP and representatives of involved chairs and industrial partners to define the strategic orientations and review the progresses of the IPs.
- The graduate school boardin charge of implementing the institute's initial training strategy and made up of representatives of the partner training establishments, meets on a quarterly basis.