Chair objectives

This research program aims at fostering our theoretical and empirical understanding of the economics of information services using AI, with a special emphasis on the impact of AI on competition.

How does AI personalization affect price levels and market allocation?

Do ML pricing lead to tacit collusion on prices? If so, how can we control for that.

Do AI programs and
big data raise the risk of monopolization?

How also do data driven mergers affect competitivity?

Answering such questions is important for the conduct of competition policy (antitrust, ex-ante regulation of markets…) and for the eventual acceptance by the public of AI based services

Program Acceptable AI
Theme AI and society

Chair holder: Bruno Jullien, Chercheur TSE, CNRS, Directeur de recherches, CNRS


  • Doh-Shin (Professor, UT1, TSE-R)
  • Daniel Ershof (Junior Professor, UT1, TSE-R),


Know more

Bruno Jullien: digital economy and AI, a winning bet?

As in most industries, artificial intelligence has entered the world of the digital economy recently. How does it affect the relationship between businesses and consumers? From his laboratory at Toulouse School of Economics (TSE), the researcher Bruno Jullien examines the evolution of the regulation of digital markets to imagine new standards. 

Read the article in French

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